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Phase A – The Architecture Vision

The main objective of the Architecture Vision Phase is to develop a high-level vision of capabilities and the business value that will be delivered to organisation as a result of the proposed architecture. In addition, there needs to be approval for a Statement of Architecture Work which will define the program of works to be developed.

Other objectives within the Architecture Vision Phase are:

  • Creation of a comprehensive work plan
  • Obtain commitment of management and obtain formal approval and go-ahead.
  • Validation of the business drivers, goals and principles
  • Identify stakeholders their concerns and objectives
  • Define any business constraints and business requirements
  • Define the scope of and priortise architectural tasks
  • Describe any appropriate solutions
  • Organise and define an architecture development life cycle
  • Provide and describe an Architecture Vision

The key aspects when approaching the Architecture Vision Phase are:

  • Provide a formal definition of what falls both inside and outside the scope of the architecture effort and any constraints. It is important to understand that constrains are informed by business goals, strategic drivers and principles.
  • Create an Architecture Vision document and clarify and agree on the purpose of the Architecture.
  • Provide a high-level description of the Target and Baseline architectures.
  • Determine which Business Scenario Technique will be utilised in order to develop the Architecture Vision.