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Types of EC2 Instances

The following are the currently available instance types within AWS:

  • General Purpose
  • Compute Optimised
  • Memory Optimised
  • Accelerated Computing
  • Storage Optimised

Each instance type has multiple options and have the following naming convention:


where m is the instance class
5 is the generation
2xlarge represents the size within the instance class

General Purpose Instance Types are geared towards workloads such as code repositories or web servers and have a good balance between memory, computing power and networking.

Compute Optimised Instance Types are geared towards workloads which require processor intensive workloads such as media processing, batch processing, machine learning and gaming servers

Memory Optimised Instance Types are geared towards workloads which require a large memory resident dataset – think in memory BI databases, high performance databases, distributed caching systems

Storage Optimised Instance Types are geared towards workloads where storage is a factor such as databases, distributed file systems, OLTP systems and data warehousing applications